Quotes > Rich Hickey Short coding Quotes

Rich Hickey Short coding Quotes

Explore the best Rich Hickey Short coding Quotes. Here is our best collection of Rich Hickey Short coding Quotes collected from a various of sources.

- quotewis.com

Rich Hickey Short coding Quotes

Programming is not about typing, it's about thinking.

- Rich Hickey

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Programming is not about typing, it's about thinking.

- Rich Hickey

There's no place like

- Anonymous

I am not your F1 Button

- Anonymous

Life of Programmer: No Hugs and Kisses, Only Bugs and Fixes

- Anonymous

I predict the Future

- Anonymous

If you don't understand recursion read this again!

- Anonymous

It's not a bug, it's a feature

- Anonymous

There is no Cloud, it's someone else's computer

- Anonymous

I don't always test my code But when I do, I do it in production.

- Anonymous

Of course, I talk to myself... Sometimes I need expert advice

- Anonymous