It's tricky. I've never been standing at the top of the tree with tons of money thrown at me. I've never really had a profile. So in a way I have this 'nothing to lose' attitude.

- Joel Edgerton

If philosophy is practice, a demand to know the manner in which its history is to be studied is entailed: a theoretical attitude toward it becomes real only in the living appropriation of its contents from the texts.

- Karl Jaspers

My mother, she had a very good attitude toward money. I'm very grateful for the fact that we had to learn to save. I used to get like 50 pence a week, and I'd save it for like five months. And then I'd spend it on Christmas presents. I'd save up like eight pounds. It's nothing, but we did that.

- Gemma Arterton

Too many people say to their brokers, I can't deal with this. Take my money. Do what you want. That's the worst attitude you can have.

- Maria Bartiromo

The theatre only knows what it's doing next week, not like the opera, where they say: What are we going to do in five years' time? A completely different attitude.

- Harrison Birtwistle

I'm not a music lover in the sense that I look for something to have on. I've never had that attitude to music.

- Harrison Birtwistle

I just want to go in with the right attitude and from Day 1 make a difference.

- Freddy Adu

You can have a laugh in Los Angeles, or you can weep in Los Angeles, depending on your attitude towards it.

- Miranda Richardson

People are patronizing the theatres with renewed enthusiasm - there is an entire picnic-like attitude when families go out to see movies, which is a very good sign. They want to see larger-than-life characters on the big screen and not just watch movies on television or on DVDs.

- Salman Khan

If you're looking for can-do, earthy-crunchy attitude then you've got to go to Wisconsin.

- Dar Williams

When I was in my 20s it did occur to me that there was something perverted about an attitude that thought that killing somebody was a minor offence compared to kissing somebody.

- John McGahern

Our attitude is that we want to cross over. You can't go on making records just for your own hometown.

- Cheryl James

The Stones are a different kind of group. I realized that when I joined them. It's not really so much their musical ability, it's just they have a certain kind of style and attitude which is unique.

- Mick Taylor

As the time goes by, you change, your learn new things, your attitude is different. For the moment, I'm still enjoying ski racing so much that it would be difficult for me to think about ending my career.

- Hermann Maier

My attitude on skis is different now. I have learned to put less pressure on myself and on the edges of my skis when I'm racing, to be keep myself more under control.

- Hermann Maier

The music is first and foremost everything - no egos, no attitude, nothing - it's about the music.

- Big Boi

Jazz in itself is not struggling. That is, the music itself is not struggling... It's the attitude that's in trouble. My plays insist that we should not forget or toss away our history.

- August Wilson

Time plays a role in almost every decision. And some decisions define your attitude about time.

- John Cale

UFO's' attitude toward the subject is very similar to mine. It's not an advocacy its philosophy is more 'I want to believe this, but I want it proved.

- Dwight Schultz

I really believe you can predict when someone has a great attitude, a real well of talent.

- Taylor Hackford

As a team, you need to come from behind every once in a while just to do it. Good for the attitude. It makes it exciting. And when everybody knows you have to throw it... that makes it fun too.

- Dan Marino

That attitude toward women as objects may have worked for the late Sixties, but it doesn't do so now.

- John Schlesinger