Quotes > Margaret Mead Quotes > Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.

Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have.

- Margaret Mead

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Margaret Mead Change Quotes |

A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

- Margaret Mead

Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful.

- Margaret Mead

It is utterly false and cruelly arbitrary to put all the play and learning into childhood, all the work into middle age, and all the regrets into old age.

- Margaret Mead

As long as any adult thinks that he, like the parents and teachers of old, can become introspective, invoking his own youth to understand the youth before him, he is lost.

- Margaret Mead

Change is inevitable... Growth is optional.

- John C. Maxwell

Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.

- Brené Brown

Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.

- Frank Herbert

I cannot say whether things will get better if we change, what I can say is they must change if they are to get better.

- Georg C. Lichtenberg

Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature's delight.

- Marcus Aurelius

One must change one's tactics every ten years if one wishes to maintain one's superiority.

- Napoleon Bonaparte

Change will never happen when people lack the ability and courage to see themselves for who they are.

- Bryant H. McGill

Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.

- Arthur Schopenhauer

Change before you have to.

- Jack Welch

Change means that what was before wasn't perfect. People want things to be better.

- Esther Dyson