Quotes > Quotes By Author > Top 42 Chinese Proverbs Quotes

Top 42 Chinese Proverbs Quotes

Don’t jump over a pit only to fall into a well.

- Chinese Proverbs

In anger, a person becomes a danger to himself and to others.

- Chinese Proverbs

True beauty is eternal and cannot be destroyed.

- Chinese Proverbs

Those who know the storm dread the calm before it.

- Chinese Proverbs

One who has never met adversity will not develop foresight.

- Chinese Proverbs

Challenges are the most truthful and strictest of teachers.

- Chinese Proverbs

A common saying of parents who idolize their offspring and liken the child’s abilities to the sun.

- Chinese Proverbs

Adversity brings us into deep waters not to drown us, but to cleanse us.

- Chinese Proverbs

The best form of flattery is to master the art of listening.

- Chinese Proverbs

No matter how tall the mountain, it cannot block out the sun.

- Chinese Proverbs

A young branch takes all the bends one gives it. The young can adapt to change with great ease.

- Chinese Proverbs

Better to bend in the wind than to break.

- Chinese Proverbs

When the wind is great, bow before it; when the rain is heavy, yield to it.

- Chinese Proverbs

Any garment will fit one who is naked. One must adapt to circumstances, just as water must take the shape of its container.

- Chinese Proverbs

An old broom has its value. One should value previous contacts and avoid discarding old friends or people who have helped you before.

- Chinese Proverbs

Make the cap fit the head.Know where and when to make adjustments.

- Chinese Proverbs

Clumsy birds have need of early flight. Those with less ability should work harder instead of making excuses.

- Chinese Proverbs

The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person who is doing it.

- Chinese Proverbs

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

- Chinese Proverbs

When you go to buy, don’t show your silver

- Chinese Proverbs