The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before.
- Neil Gaiman
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Neil Gaiman Motivational Quotes
I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something.
- Neil Gaiman
I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school. They don't teach you how to love somebody. They don't teach you how to be famous. They don't teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer. They don't teach you how to know what's going on in someone else's mind. They don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying. They don't teach you anything worth knowing.
- Neil GaimanI hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're doing something.
- Neil Gaiman
I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school. They don't teach you how to love somebody. They don't teach you how to be famous. They don't teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don't teach you how to walk away from someone you don't love any longer. They don't teach you how to know what's going on in someone else's mind. They don't teach you what to say to someone who's dying. They don't teach you anything worth knowing.
- Neil Gaiman
Life is a disease: sexually transmitted, and invariably fatal.
- Neil Gaiman
I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making're Doing Something.
- Neil Gaiman
Sometimes you wake up. Sometimes the fall kills you. And sometimes, when you fall, you fly.
- Neil Gaiman
Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.
- Neil Gaiman
Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up.
- Neil Gaiman
The moment that you feel, just possibly, you are walking down the street naked, ... That is the moment, you might be starting to get it right.
- Neil Gaiman
The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.
- Neil Gaiman
We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough.
- Helen Keller
Every artist was first an amateur.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
- John F. Kennedy
The only people who never fail are those who never try.
- Ilka Chase
Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.
- Albert Einstein
If you’re afraid to fail, then you’re probably going to fail.
- Kobe Bryant
Once you know what failure feels like, determination chases success.
- Kobe Bryant
Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.
- Winston Churchill
Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
- Margaret Lee Runbeck
It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.
- Agnes Repplier
Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.
- John Lennon
Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.
- Abraham Lincoln
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own
- Robert A. Heinlein
Happiness is a function of accepting what is.
- Werner Erhard
Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow
- Swedish Proverb
The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.
- Martha Washington
There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will.
- Epictetus