Quotes > Quotes By Topic > Top 227 Short Quotes and Captions for T-shirt and Social Media

Top 227 Short Quotes and Captions for T-shirt and Social Media

Always be a little kinder than necessary

- James M. Barrie

Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.

- Paul Tournier

Of course, I talk to myself... Sometimes I need expert advice

- Anonymous

Maybe I don't have to perfect, I just have to be good enough.

- Anonymous

Being Alone feels more Honest.

- Kerry Cohen

In presence of the Moon nobody sees stars.

- Amit Kalantri

Beauty lies in the eye of beholder

- Anonymous

Beauty is power, A smile is its sword.

- John Ray

I can’t go to sleep because when I close my eyes, I see your beautiful face

- Anonymous

Everybody has an addiction mine happens to be you

- Anonymous

You are cute even when you do not try to be

- Anonymous

You return like autumn and I fall every time.

- Anonymous

Become one of the rare people who don't know how to quit.

- Robin Sharma

No one can defeat you unless, You defeat yourself

- Robin Sharma

Just because it's never been done, doesn't mean it can't be done.

- Robin Sharma

Every Dream Starts Small. But You Need To Start.

- Anonymous

Every battle first won in mind, then in reality

- Anonymous

Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier

- Anonymous

Everything you can imagine is real.

- Pablo Picasso

Beautiful things don’t ask for attention.

- Anonymous

Suffering is part of our training program for becoming wise

- Ram dass

Management is 'doing things right', Leadership is 'doing the right things'.

- Peter Drucker