Quotes > Quotes By Topic > Top 227 Short Quotes and Captions for T-shirt and Social Media

Top 227 Short Quotes and Captions for T-shirt and Social Media

Don't look back, You're not going that way.

- Anonymous

If you can dream it, you can do it.

- Walt Disney

I never lose. I either win or learn

- Nelson Mandela

Time and tide wait for none.

- Anonymous

Don't wait for opportunity, Create it

- Anonymous

Never give up. Great things take time. Be patient.

- Anonymous

Don't wait. The time will never be just right

- Napoleon Hill

When diplomacy ends, War begins

- Adolf Hitler

Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.

- Meister Eckhart

Never give advice in a crowd.

- Arabic Proverbs

A wise man's day is worth a fool's life.

- Arabic Proverbs

Lying and stealing are next door neighbors.

- Arabic Proverbs

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

- Arabic Proverbs

Always stand on principle, Even if you stand alone

- John Adams

Jealousy is a disease. Get well soon

- Anonymous

What you think is Bad Karma can actually Benefit You

- Sadhguru

Risk-taking is the cornerstone of empires

- Estée Lauder

Just smile everything will be Okay

- Anonymous

True love is tight Hug after a Fight

- Anonymous

No matter what life throws at you – what you make out of it is up to you.

- Sadhguru

Failure is success, If we learn from it.

- Malcolm Forbes

Worry Less, Live More

- Anonymous